Stuck Together
No matter how powerful our opponent, God’s love is stronger. No matter how tall the obstacle, God’s love is higher. There is nothing that can separate us from the love we have received in Christ Jesus.
God’s love is different from our love because it is perfect and unfailing. These ideas attempt to highlight how deep and strong his love truly is.
No matter how powerful our opponent, God’s love is stronger. No matter how tall the obstacle, God’s love is higher. There is nothing that can separate us from the love we have received in Christ Jesus.
In every act of God, we find that He does not have two personalities, but one unified nature. He is both good and great all the time.
What Jesus does physically and ceremonially for the leper, he can for us spiritually. He is more than willing to make us clean in God’s eyes.
Other people do give up on us when we mess up too much, but not God. His grace is immeasurable. His love surpasses understanding. He never runs out of blessing.
The Bible repeatedly tells us God has a plan to deal with our sin. Through his grace and the blood of Jesus, our sin can be removed. Guilt and shame can be taken away.
If we don’t want to forget an appointment, we put it on our calendar. When we need to remember everything for vacation, we write a packing list. When we are trying to recall what happened last decade, we might look back at old pictures. So what do we do if we are having a hard time remembering God’s goodness?
We often talk about Jesus as the King of kings or the king of our heart, but the reality is the only earthly crown he ever wore was one woven of thorns.
No matter how much we sin, grace will always be bigger. Our ability to sin is limited by our finite abilities, our limited time, and other limitations. But there are no limits to God’s grace.
Many of us have adopted a superhero lifestyle. We can’t fly or lift heavy cars, but we love to wear masks.